Gun cabinets


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Ok I'm needing another. With a baby on the way and Ashley not wanting guns just laying around like I have now since the cabinet we have is full I'm needing another. Well what I have is a locker but anyway you get the point.

What would anyone suggest? Dont want to kill the wallet just something I can lock and will be safer than guns laying around. Thought about just gettin another locker but thought I'd see what yall thought.

Would like to have a safe but don't have the money to sink into one right now. Gotta keep momma happy so thinking I should get be a peace of mind as well once the baby gets older.

Things in looking for in this do have a couple pistols that I would like to be able to put in it and not haut have to lay around. Other than that just rifles.

Any ideas?

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I got a Stack-On locker. Wound up with a gift card to Dicks and waited until they went on sale. Got a 10 gun locker for just a few bucks out of pocket. I cram 5 long guns and 2 toy rifles (trying to teach the boy good habits!) and 3 handguns into it. Lag bolted it into the hall closet. I also have a quick access electronic key-pad drawer safe mounted into a secret drawer I built into my bed frame that I made.

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Hopefully some day I'll be able to afford a $5K fire proof safe! To be honest, I try to "Gun-Proof" my kids as much as I try to "Kid-Proof" my guns.

Lol yea I will do that.

Not sure about the wooden that's what I was taking ideas.

Will have to check out the one you guys have said.

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Hopefully some day I'll be able to afford a $5K fire proof safe! To be honest, I try to "Gun-Proof" my kids as much as I try to "Kid-Proof" my guns.


I don't have a safe either, I put all my guns in the hall closet when the kids were born and kept it locked.

As soon as they are a little older you teach them gun safety and then you never have to worry about a thing. I can't understand these stories I read where a parent accidentally left a gun out and the child comes home and curiosity leads to tragedy. Teach them soon and early there are no second chances or do-overs with guns and you can throw the locks away.

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yea my dad "gun proofed" me as a little kid and i will to my kids in the future. it's an important step, an imperative one even. thinking about getting a fire and water "proof" Cannon safe after the wedding. i figure i can put my guns and important docs in it. just wondering if i can get it down into the basement. also with somewhat more humidity it might not be best for the e-lock.

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I completely agree a kid needs to learn about fun safety and they will oce there a little older. I think it's just more of a ok there locked for her than anything.

I've told her that once there old enough to understand I'm going to teach them safety and how to shoot or handle a gun. Even if you don't do it you should now how to handle one invade you ever come across one. Just my thoughts.

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When we started having kids ( and their friends that come over) I went from the lockable cabinet to a full safe. I got a good deal at an end of season sale at Bass Pro. Fireproof and handy as well for some important family documents (i.e. Birth certificates). I got a large one and that was handy as I added to my collection of guns over the years.

If you budget can handle it, think of moving up to a safe.

Good luck. Be Safe!

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