Team 1 - Hardwoods Heart Stoppers

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well team it started out horrable, 2 deer in three days. they arent coming to the food plots and they arent eating the corn. had a yearling come flying into the food plot on sat for about 1\2 a sec and ran out, knew she didnt smell me or see me and than about 30 sec or so a yote came flying threw hot on her heels. the 2nd deer i seen was after dark crossing the road as i was leaveing the lease. still early.

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My season started last weekend. I patterned a big doe for 3 days and moved my ladder stand. Just my luck she walked right under my stand. Have you ever tried drawing your bow while pointing straight down? I never have and it uses a different range of muscles. Couldn't get the bow drawn and got busted. I've got a 4 day weekend and I hope to stick a freezer filler this weekend. Good luck everyone

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Never been on such a quiet team. I would chat more, but my deer season has been over for 33 days now.

You boys need to put some deer on the ground AND take a picture with your deer.

Is everyone on the team still checking in and participating?

Same here Ben.

I've only been hunting once & saw 2 does all day. Got a couple of small bucks on cam I'd shoot including some daytime pics. I'll be hunting 3-4 days in the next week hopefully though!

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im still here, sorry about not chatting to much, between work and spending the weekends at the leases. havent had much time. haveing a great season so far seeing lots of deer, just seems like things arent working out to hot for me, have had thee shots so far, 1 i hit a limb, 2 i missed judged the distance, 3 we carry i walkie talky with us so we can call on one another around the lease and sat night my sisters husband said something, the radio was in my pack at that time i had a doe coming in. than i hear my sister say i think he's[me] got it turned off. im franticly trying to get to it to turn it off. just than the radio gave out a loud peep peep. i turned my attention back to the doe and she has my blind peged, shes slighty qourtering to me at 30 yards i get drawn and know its now or never i let it fly. leasoned learned never shoot a aluma nock at a deer thats looking at you, never seen a deer get so low so fast, the arrow flew over her by a foot, but im haveing a good time and still have plenty of it to go.

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This was the worst first week of rifle season that I have ever seen. The weather has been wet and warm and the deer were just not moving. I had two spikes out to me at the same time last saturday ( second day of season ), but I decided to pass on them for now. You are allowed to bait here in Nova Scotia, I put a 50 lb bag of carrots out and my cam and not even a squirell has touched them. Any other year, you could not lug carrots fast enough, this year, the woods is still full of mushrooms and acorns. I am heading back to camp tonight for another week, it's giving the temps dropping so hopefully it will get the deer moving.

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