Team 5 - Dropin' Tines

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I took my son hunting last Sat. for youth day and he missed a spike at the club in the morning. He rushed the shot. Then that afternoon we hunted behind the house and saw 3 buck including the one I call Mule. They never came close enough for a shot but was exciting seeing Mule in the field before dark.

Our season starts this Sat so Im pretty excited to get things going.

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Hey team, no luck for the IL opener . I seen couple nice 8 pts and an absolute giant 12 pt that was at 30 yds but never gave me a good shot, this deer was atleast in the 190's , had my heart pounding. I was surrounded by doe's when this buck showed up , I thought it was odd for a buck this old to be with all these doe's this early. I set out a trail cam so hopefully I can atleast get a pic of this deer, don't think I will get it that close again or even see this deer but who knows.

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Well guys I hope this change in weather brings about some deer movement. I've got my final bass tournement tomorrow morning. Gonna be cold and windy. But, I'm on the fish right now, so maybe that is good. I need a new scop anyways.

Sunday I'll be getting into the woods. Good luck this weekend! Put em down!

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Had a great opening day yesterday. Saw 6 bucks and 3 does. Saw a really nice 8pt that should score between 145"-150". Wide tall heavy chocolate racked buck. Passed a nice young 8 right at dark. He rubbed a tree 15 yards from me. Was a great day and I'm pumped to get back in the woods!

Edited by VABuckSlayer
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Team 5 - Dropin' Tines

Well I lost a doe Saturday night. Frustrating as its only the 3rd time in 20 years of hunting deer. She was quartering away a little to hard and I know the thought hit my head at the last second to not gut shoot her and I moved the pin forward. I'm pretty sure I entered right behind the shoulder low and exited right in front of the same shoulder. She bled from both entrance, exit and nose, but seems like I only clipped the one lung low. She bled a ton but went about 1100 yards before we suspended the search for the night and we could not pick her up in the morning. I never went more than 6 feet without blood and it was easy to follow. We grid searched the next day but she was pulling some serious circling and backtracking on the blood trail. I know with the blood loss she couldn't have lived through that 34 degree night but I just couldn't find her.

Grrr it just isn't fun when that happens.

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That's tough Hoosier but if you hunt long enough it's going to happen. Hopefully you will get another crack at one soon! Good luck!

I'm going back out Saturday and maybe tomorrow evening. Just been seeing little bucks mostly. Only does I've seen have been chased by bucks so I didn't want to shoot one of those just in case. I'm ready to fill the freezer though so I'm shooting something soon!

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