Team 6 - Stackin' Racks

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I didn't get to hunt during our last short trip to Missouri. Spent all of the 2 days we were there trying to get things in the house as organized as possible. They still aren't quite finished but at least we could move into the bedrooms. No more cold nights in the barn. Headed back again Wednesday to try to get more stuff straight in the house in rooms that weren't finished when we had to leave yesterday. With our 2 guest coming in Friday, I'll play guide to one but I'll be hunting too for sure next Saturday. That's the start of the MO muzzleloader season and I'm going to put the bow away & break out the .50 cal ML and try to give it a workout.

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Just checked the weather for where I'll be in MO Mudrunner...40% chance of thuderstorms Saturday...wonderful. :rolleyes: Got 4 ground blinds out but we'll have to put our guest in the ones the wind's right to hunt. Got 2 more blinds in the barn. May have to set them up for the S wind Saturday when the rain is in the forecast. I may end up under my umbrella if it's not too windy. Looks OK after that except a bit on the warm side. Leaving early tomorrow morning so we'll have time to finish getting the house straightened out. Meet with the closing attorney Friday morning on the 2 pieces of property we're buying adjacent to the ones my buddy already owns. After that...relax & hunt after the guest arrive. Well except I'm doing the cooking.

BTW...internet was hooked up last Friday so if I'm not tied up with entertaining the guest, I'll have a chance to check in from the happy hunting grounds on my laptop.

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Pretty slow in the mornings here in MO. Seeing plenty of deer in the afternoon but no mature bucks yet. Lots of action yesterday afternoon. Saw 39 deer hunting a cut corn field & 13 of those were bucks but nothing even big enough to scratch my head about shooting. Was fairly warm for this time of the year & windy too. Cooler this morning but still windy. Wind is supposed to die down this afternoon.

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Well teammates...hit the MS woods the day after Christmas. Strange rut going on here. Chasing is sporatic at best. However...I did manage to kill a mature buck Saturday afternoon. Not the one I was wanting but a big old mature 6 point...18 3/4" inside spread & 22 1/2" main beams. Using the jawbone aging method looks like a 6 1/2 year old buck. Heaviest buck to hit the scales at our camp so far this year too. Didn't want him in the gene pool anymore. Got home about an hour ago. I'll get the pics, etc. submitted today. Heading back to MO for the last hunt up there of the season on either the 2nd or 3rd. After that I'll still have some time to hunt in MS before the season closes the end of January.

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Atta boy Rhino! Congrats! He's a toad.

The rut seems to have been very sporatic around here too. It's just been a weird year as far as deer movement goes.

I didn't get out at all over the weekend. It was a late doe firearm doe season here in Illinois, and sice I'm done doe hunting for the year I just stayed home.

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Good job Al! Congrats!

I haven't been back out much, sat this past Saturday morning with no luck. General season ends this Sunday then ML'er season starts and runs for two weeks. I hope I can close the deal on at least a doe but its not looking good.

Me and two of my buddies are taking our sons camping/squirrel hunting at the end of the month and after that I'll start prepping for fishing season!

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Still some time left here in MS but I'm taking the weekend off. Don't see much sense in hitting the woods with temps going into the mid 70's along with a good chance for more rain. I'll catch up on my "to do" list this weekend so I can spend some time in the woods toward the end of the week through next weekend when the weather is way more conducive for deer movement. Season goes through the end of January here.

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Guys...I ned to apologize big time. I had a horrible year. Not a lot of deer on my property, and I didn't get the chances to huntthat I have other years. I never got back out after Thanksgiving morning. I passed on a 6 pointer witht he bow, and a 5 pointer with the gun this year. Those were the only shot oppurtunities I had all year. I feel bad, like I let the team down. Once again, I'm sorry.

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This weekend is the last one of the season here in MS. I'll give it a go but it was slow last weekend. Mature bucks were mostly nocturnal.

We have a couple of teammates that have been absent for a while. Wonder what's happened with their seasons. We haven't heard from MonsterBuck48 since 10/6 and he'd just started hunting. Haven't heard from whttlbucksteve since 10/24 either when he mentioned taking 10 days of vacation to live in a tree. Maybe they'll check in with a couple of bucks. Who knows.

Anyway...been fun sharing the season with y'all. By the way...the buck one of our neighbors in MO killed (real nice guy) was this one I posted pics of back on 10/8. It made B&C & fullfilled a live long dream he had to kill a booner.



Anyway...season's over in MO but we have a lot of survivors that will just be bigger up there next year.

BTW...just so you'll know...if I see a hog during a hunt this weekend down here before a mature buck shows up...FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!

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Share on other sites can stick a fork in me...I'm done for this year. Saw 1 doe and 1 pig in two days. The pig didn't survive the encounter.

Been great sharing the season with y'all. Time to relax a little before I hit the woods again to loosen and pull some stands. Got some post season scouting too.

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