Who Will Try This Concoction?


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I've posted this before and I encourage everyone to give it a try this hunting season and post the results... as I have had the best results with this compared to every other tactic I have tried.

Late October, Early November Only

Mix 1 bottle of Tinks 69 doe-in-heat and Code Blue doe-in-heat with half a gallon of hot water.

2 rags with string attached to them, soak the rags in the concoction. Bring it out with you in the A.M. Drag the rags all around your stand and leading to your stand from known trails (yes in the dark).

Hang the rags in a bush about waist high so the wind will carry the scent.

Get in your treestand (which should be 25-30 yards away) and wait for the deer to follow the scent to the rags.

If nothing the first day, the second day will bring them in. Soak the rags again and drag them on the way out - then again the next morning.

Bucks galore.

My buddies dad killed the biggest buck of his life after this (3rd day), I killed 1 buck at night and my buddy killed one the next day (both were standing in the same exact spot 5 yards from the rag).

My bro-in-law killed his first deer (mama doe) her nose was buried in the rag for 2 solid minutes while we walked up on it and finally took aim.

My first buck with a bow (10-pointer) came walking right up to the rag after literally 1 minute in the stand.

Too many to list... yes it hasn't worked sometimes, but only when it was extremely hot outside.

So, please try this if you want a successful hunt. It has worked for me and hopefully it will work for you.

P.S. The hot water helps - steam, baby!

Good Luck

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