Anyone ever do this...


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Take a section of fence and fasten the center of the top wire down and lift the center of the bottom wire up.What this does is make a easy travel for the Deer. The Deer will use this area to go back and forth from the field to the timber.It works really well. I have countless trail cam pics of Deer using these areas...I used this Trail Cam pic as a demo.[ATTACH=CONFIG]12377[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]12378[/ATTACH]

Trail Cam Aug.-8-2012 095.jpg

Trail Cam Aug.-8-2012 091.jpg



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I actually took dead windfalls and made a fence to direct bucks coser to my stand..and it worked..had the 8 pt come right to the base of my tree..(balsam)..and make a scrape and then do the licking branch..and was looking right up at me, raking his antlers back and forth....but he had his eyes closed...then he turned and walked off with me at full draw and a straight away I did not shoot

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