Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Guest Rod

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Anyone tried these yet? Saw them on the Midsouth Shooters Supply website. I've had great luck with Powerbelts, just wondering how these compare? They look very similar and are about 1/2 the price.

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Guest toytruck

Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Yeah, I used them last season in early and late muzzleloading to kill two deer. Both were pass threws with half dollar holes for exit wounds. My Encore .50 will shoot the 300 gr. SaberTooths into 1.5" groups at 100 yds. with 2 T7 pellets. I liked them so much I ordered four more packs and plan to try and tweek that load with loose T7 FFg. I recommend them for a rifle with 1:28 twist like the Encore.

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Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Thanks, I think I'll get a pack and try them out. My CVA has a 1:28 twist. I'm currently shooting 295 gr. copper clad hp Powerbelts with 90 gr. T7 FFg, and that combo works very well. I've killed several deer with it. But if the Harvester 300 gr. will give similar performance for 1/2 the price I'll use them, or at least give them a try.

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Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Thanks Joe for the site. If I didn't look at the wrong bullets, the 300 grn. Havervester Sabertooth Sabots are

30 pk. $8.78 or .58 cents ea.

P.B. copper clad, 15 pk. $13.75 or .91 cents apiece. It looks like a .33 cent difference if I looked at the right bullets. Certainly worth looking into.

Do they offer the harvestor in copper clad ?


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Guest toytruck

Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

When I bought mine last year they were 15/pack at $8.78 and that is the way they are listed in the catalog too. They are copper clad with a serated hollowpoint that actually sits on a short sabot and not a post like the powerbelts. I really think you all will like them.

Wish this weather would clear up so I can get back to the range!!!

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Guest toytruck

Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Its not a sabot in the sense that it wraps around the bullet. It really is a short sabot or base that the bullet sits on. More like a cup that the bullet slips into. Sorry for the confusion. I don't like sabots either for the most part. I had an awful mess with plastic built up in the Encore rifling that effected accuracy until I figured out the problem and used some Knight solvent to get it out. My .45 barrel has never seen a sabot and now the .50 barrel won't either.

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Guest toytruck

Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

I forgot the second part of your question. As far as holding up I don't have any recovered bullets to show as they went through both sides and out the deer I shot, a small buck and adult doe. I didn't find any pieces of the bullet fragments inside the deer either, just big holes on both sides that hit ribs and still exited.

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Guest toytruck

Re: Harvester Saber Tooth bullets

Maybe I shouldn't have used the word sabot. The sabertooth bullets are indented at the base of the bullet so it actually sits inside the plastic base. The design is like the powerbelts, but there is no post attaching the bullet to the base like powerbelts. This allows the bullet to fall away from the base after being fired that works better than powerbelts as I have heard of the pb's base staying on the bullet, even after hitting the target. Not so with sabertooth bullets, if you dropped one it would probably seperate. The plastic base does come up along the base of the bullet where it is indented and grasps the bullet. Let me try to find a link to show you what I mean. Hope I didn't confuse you more!!!

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