Oklahoma dove off and running

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Despite a crazy hot summer and one of the worse droughts northeast Oklahoma has seen in many years the dove population made it out unscathed with opening season being a successful one for me and many other hunters I have spoken with the birds seem to be mainly on the corn patches that farmers around the area have recently cut look for lots of loose corn on the ground this is a good sign maybe a field with some of the stalks still standing will provide enough cover for you to stay outta sight to get birds in the red zone mojo dove provide movement in your spread if you prefer to try and decoy birds and in my opinion don't worry about having to many in your hunting party for a healthy amount of hunters on a big enough field will make the birds stir up and keep them off the ground this is encase you don't have a dog to be doing your dirty work for you

Good Luck, Happy Hunting

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I took 14 guns total to a 40 acre corn field in Pryor. We saw literally over 1k doves opening morning. I’m still seeing doves around the house. Numbers were great this year. I really think this cold front hitting late this week could prove problematic however.....

The good news is resident goose and teal is right around the corner.

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Oklahoma dove off and running

What is your prediction for ducks on grand lake I don't have access to a boat like I used to but we hunted backwater outside of Wyandotte last time I went and it seems like to me that's is where it's at in a nice slough or even a sand bar that is if you can find cover of course

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What is your prediction for ducks on grand lake I don't have access to a boat like I used to but we hunted backwater outside of Wyandotte last time I went and it seems like to me that's is where it's at in a nice slough or even a sand bar that is if you can find cover of course

I touched on this in your other post.... if youre mainly looking for ducks I would find a couple of farm ponds. They dont draw geese well typically but ducks will cover farm ponds. When the Mallard and Gadwall move in im on a pond. Weather doesnt have the same impact on them as it does with lakes and larger bodies of water.

Also, Grand and Hudson both have good water levels. It will be another good season. Our side of the state rarely has a bad season. If youre not seeing birds on big water start looking for local farm ponds.... you will find ducks.

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