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I was pouring some sugar into a cup for my coffee. Noticed a small black speck in the sugar so I dumped that cup into the trash, poured some more and another bigger black clump comes out. I look into the canister and see this:


MMMMMM.....candied roach!!!

There is no way it got in there here at work. The canister stays sealed off so I'm assuming it got in there at the factory somehow? About half the sugar has been used from that canister........GA-ROSS!

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Makes me gag at the thought of drinking it!

We sold some hot chocolate on a cold night last spring out of the concession stand. Noticed some clumps in it that turned out to be dried maggots. Unfortunately we had sold a cup out of that package, I kept waiting all night for a ticked off person to show up.

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Glad I'm not a girl.

Spoon it out and keep on using it.

That thing isnt going to hurt you.

1. I'm glad you are not a girl'd make one ugly chick.

2. This ain't surviver man and I had another unopened canister.

3. It may not hurt me but the thought of it made the rest of my coffee taste funny.

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Camp Law states the following:

"Any foreign objects (biomatter or otherwise) discovered in your food must be reffered to as 'Woodsies' and consumed immediately."

Of course this was enacted by a couple 17 year olds on a 10 day outing in the St. Regis Canoe Area, about day 3 or so we (AHEM!! "they") realized the menu planning was a bit, marginal, and any volume added to your oatmeal was probably not a bad thing.

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You would be surprised at how much "by-catch" is in everyday foods that get minimized in processing. What grossed you was the sight of the roach. Had it been pulverized you would be none the wiser and would have benefited from the protein.

That's still nasty. Not bad I guess if I cant see it

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