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I had my appendix removed that way. While they were in there, they looked around a bit because I was experiencing some unexplained abdominal pain (Lyme Disease the whole time). I had it done on the Friday before Memorial Day in 2008 and I stopped by at work a week later. I was back at work the week after that. Really only had a week and a half off. I bought some pairs of bib overalls because the incisions were near my belt line making a belt a no go. Otherwise, had it been archery season, I am sure I would have been hunting in 2-3 weeks, from a tree in probably 4 weeks.

Hope it goes well for ya buddy.

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Hernia? What type of hunting? I had hernias repaired laproscopic and I was back at work within a week but I work in an office. Hunting u would say as long as you have help to lift the deer then a few weeks.

2 tumors on my liver being removed. Doc says 4 poke holes where the probes are going in.

I'm talking about bow hunting too. My concern is pulling the bow back, and being able to lift the lower section of my stand while climbing.

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being able to lift the lower section of my stand while climbing.

Probably best to follow docs orders there Chris. Still think I screwed up with shooting my bow too early and doing other stuff I was really not supposed to after my last surgery back in 2003. Guessing with where you will be cut I wouldn't think I would be using a climber too quick if it were me, probably ladder stands or maybe still hunts or ground blinds if possible.

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Probably best to follow docs orders there Chris. Still think I screwed up with shooting my bow too early and doing other stuff I was really not supposed to after my last surgery back in 2003. Guessing with where you will be cut I wouldn't think I would be using a climber too quick if it were me, probably ladder stands or maybe still hunts or ground blinds if possible.

Luckily I'm not being cut this time; just 4 little bullet holes apparently.

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Chris...My wife had her gall bladder removed laproscopically after our 3rd son. She has 2 little incision scars( one for tools and the other for a camera) on her stomach area and the gall bladder was removed through her belly button. It was mimimally intrusive and recovery was fairly easy. For her anyway. Some pain around incisions, but basically it was a fast recovery. Hope this info helps a bit.

Prayers headed your way bud.

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Hey Chris-

I'll tell your little buddy Lane that 'Uncle Chris' is getting poked and he better say a prayer.

By the way, he is now 13 and almost 5' tall. Way ahead of my growth at that age.

Take care-


Hey Arnie!

Good to hear from you, hope all is well in the Land of Lincoln. Hard to believe ol' Lane is 13, (birthday last week?)

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

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