Could have been a lot worse.....


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Weather forecast said 30% chance of isolated t-storms last I looked yesterday mid day, no warnings for any severe weather. Was in the mid 90's and terrible humidity. Wife took off with the kids to church and I got out mowing the yard.

Started clouding up right after I got started and thought to myself, good we still really need the rain maybe it will hold off til I am done mowing. Some ominous looking clouds moved in after I had been mowing for about 45 minutes then the wind picked up and it started sprinkling, wind was a cool north wind not bad enough I was gonna stop mowing. Wind got pretty bad while I was towards the back and trees and limbs started falling while I was at the very back of our yard so time to quit, bottom dropped out on the way. Got back to the shed and found this maple snapped. Dunno how bad damage is elsewhere, but we have trees on our property pretty well in a line snapped like this. Lucky the wind was not a little more out of the west, would have done a lot more damage.

Cannot get the tractor out to clean up without first getting the saw out and taking care of this tree, supposed to be warm and humid again this afternoon.




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Looks like Mother Nature cut down the top of the tree for you, and now all you need to do is chainsaw it smaller and then stack it for firewood. Of course it will need to age for a season before you use it.

In California we are getting pommelled by these dry storms that are blowing up from the Mexican hurricanes too. They have lit forest fires all over the state. Some of our prime hunting grounds are now blazing, just weeks before the opening of the season in places.

You know what they say about Mother Nature.

The most deer that I have ever seen out however were in broad daylight right after a storm. The deer are wet, and they need to eat to warm up again. Gotta love Mother Nature then.

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Dodged a bullet for sure! Firewood?

Yep, got lucky. No fireplace, yet. Actually had planned on putting in gas logs eventually.

Glad it didn't do much damage. I saw all those storms pop up that way yesterday evening. Looked pretty nasty on radar

Last time I had looked at the radar I did not see anything around us, seemed to have come out of nowhere.

Yep could have been worse William. Bummer you have to clear a path to get the tractor out. That could be a pain with it on top of the disc.

Was concerned about the hoses, luckily they were fine and I was able to get the tractor out ok once I got enough of the tree cut back. Had some pretty deep ruts in our drive I had to fix.

Not fun cutting up trees in 90+ degree temps... I had 9 trees come down from an 80 mph storm that came through a couple months ago. most of it is out of the way and now waiting for cooler temps this winter to finish.

Nope, don't mind running the saw at all, but not much fun when it is over 90. Heat index was around 105 just before I went out and got started cutting, to make things better had some issues with the oiler on the saw and the screw to adjust it busted. Maybe the echo warranty will cover that, got to get it right before I can finish.

Dunno how high the winds were, but we seem to have mostly lost maples and sycamores. Got a pretty large sycamore(bigger diameter than that maple in the pic) that was snapped like a toothpick. Could be the dry summer had an effect on the trees making them brittle? That sycamore was the one that fell while I was on the mower when I decided time to quit. lol.

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