What has this party turned into?

Ravin R10 man

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I am surprised that Realtree allows partisan political comments.

It is much more intelligent to discuss hunting issues here. Like where have all the deer gone?

As for the two major parties, since this is an election year some dufus-es cannot resist taking sides and showing their low I/Q's by spouting their one-sided opinions.

Formerly in Russia and currently in China they only allowed one party. Imagine how lucky we are in the USA and Europe to have at least two parties everywhere. Gives everyone a choice, at least.

As much as I hate the opposite party and their leader, whom I view to be solely obstructionist, I am glad that there are two parties which serve as checks and balances on each other. That way when the leadership within one party or the other gets really out of line, such as Nixon with Watergate, or Clinton with cigars for Monica, the other party can step in, given the sanction of the voice of the People.

Wisconsin is a swing state, but such a small one that it does not really matter that much.

The states that really matter are Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan as far a swing states go.


Edited by Shoobee
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I am surprised that Realtree allows partisan political comments.

It is much more intelligent to discuss hunting issues here. Like where have all the deer gone?

As for the two major parties, since this is an election year some dufus-es cannot resist taking sides and showing their low I/Q's by spouting their one-sided opinions.

Formerly in Russia and currently in China they only allowed one party. Imagine how lucky we are in the USA and Europe to have at least two parties everywhere. Gives everyone a choice, at least.

As much as I hate the opposite party and their leader, whom I view to be solely obstructionist, I am glad that there are two parties which serve as checks and balances on each other. That way when the leadership within one party or the other gets really out of line, such as Nixon with Watergate, or Clinton with cigars for Monica, the other party can step in, given the sanction of the voice of the People.

Wisconsin is a swing state, but such a small one that it does not really matter that much.

The states that really matter are Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan as far a swing states go.

The Electoral Map - Presidential Race Ratings and Swing States - Election 2012 - NYTimes.com

Read the disclaimer in this room, further the site administrator posted a while back on flaming and type's of activity not allowed, will see if I can dig up a link.

This is a political portion of this forum and members posts here do not in any way reflect the views of realtree and may also not reflect the views of the moderator's. Posts that have gone against the view of the majority have not been edited/deleted/or censored in any way. So long as the rules for posting are followed, postings will be allowed here whether we agree with the posting or not.

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Religion and politics have not ever mixed well....not even in biblical times.

That's why the Declaration of Independence reads thusly:

"....to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...."

"....all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator..."

And the Constitution was ratified on

"..the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven....."

And all are capitalized. The founders didn't think it was such a bad idea to mix politics and religion. They just thought it was a bad idea for government to sanction a state religion. And, my oh my, how far out a flimsy limb the ACLU lawyers have taken that one !!!!

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That's why the Declaration of Independence reads thusly:

"....to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...."

"....all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator..."

And the Constitution was ratified on

"..the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven....."

And all are capitalized. The founders didn't think it was such a bad idea to mix politics and religion. They just thought it was a bad idea for government to sanction a state religion. And, my oh my, how far out a flimsy limb the ACLU lawyers have taken that one !!!!

Completely agree with you there Don. I wasn't saying it was a bad idea to mix them, just that they don't mix well. Religion itself is vain......but that's a whole other topic.

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