My new friend


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We have 2 outside cats that showed up. One we have had for like 8-9 years and the other has been around for about 1 1/2. We have 3 other cats that are indoor cats kinda. My moms a vet so we have always had animals so we put an addition on the house that is a room for the dogs and cat. Its kinda like a kennel but nicer. Anyways one cat was thrown out of a car window and lost an eye but the other 2 i dont know where they came from. And the bloodhound we used to have was dumped out of a car but this car was stopped. We gave him away since we would jump the fence and run off. I miss him but it is always nice to help out and animal that has been dumped or got loose.

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My new friend

I have one cat now the kids picked up in a highway that was in bad shape. Of course it healed (you cant get lucky like that with cats) and now lays around waiting for food. Cat's are ok for a few things, but I prefer to not have one around.

Atleast they require little attention if they have food and water.

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Isn't your significant other expecting a baby????

Something to just be aware of....

Pregnant women shouldn't change cat litter.

Due to a virus in cat feces called Toxoplasmosis.

Explanation: This virus can be very harmful to the pregnancy. But recognize that contact with kitty litter is not limited to changing the cat litter box. Since a cat walks on its litter, the virus can be tracked anywhere a cat walks, including its paws. Due to this, all contact with the cat must be limited and the house must be kept extra clean. Also, because much of our produce is grown outdoors where cats and other animals come in contact with it " even if it's organic " recognize that this virus may be present on fruits and vegetables.

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Todd makes a great point. Plus ring worm, and a few others. I'd put kitty outside.

When I was young I convinced myself I could "convert" a cat, so I took it out in the woods, left it a bowl of milk, took a hatchet and whacked it's tail off. I never saw it again, can only think the bobcat conversion worked as planned. :rolleyes:

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