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I think it would greatly depend on your bow... I personally had an arrow snap a few years back and do some damage to my arm. I though I trashed my new bow too so im now pretty picky about arrows. I would say I would shoot them if I was using a lighter draw or an older bow.

With today's rocket slingers I wouldnt go with a cheaper arrow. They may be the same but its not something im willing to risk....


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About 3-4 years ago I wrote to Carbon Express and asked them if their Walmart arrows were the same quality. I got a nice email back that basically said in a nutshell no they are not.

I'm at work now. Let me look around when I get home and I'll see if I can find the email.

I do buy the walmart arrows for my kids and have them cut down. The way they lose arrows, you cannot beat the price.

Edited by RangerClay
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I have shot one or two of the $6 carbon express arrows from wally-world that I got just to test out. I have had no issues whatsoever with them. I have one in my quiver with a old BH that is strictly a hog/varmint shaft only. If you've seen some of the pics on the net showing a carbon shaft buried through a man's arm after it snapped on release, you'll think a bit more on how cheap you can go with shafts, I'm planning on cutting down the one I have for the girls.

+1 With Joe's method with the kids, I'm not spending $10 a shaft either to let the girls lose them with their 30lb bows.

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In short, they are sorted out of the production line because they just barely miss making a specification or two. It could be straightness, total weight, wall thickness uniformity, surface finish... Lots of reasons. You can count on they will be in the cheap slots for some reason that keeps them from selling for a premium.

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