Tips on starting a custom calls business?


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I have been making custom box calls for a few years now. I would like to start making more. I thought about making it a small business and make a webpage. Of course I can't put 40 hours a week into my calls though. Maybe 5 calls per week, just a side job to do after work. I am just wondering how custom call makers do it? That is....Patents on the call? Business licensing? ETC.? What do I need to do?

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Tips on starting a custom calls business?

I am not wxperienced in this so I can't tell you how to start your own business, but I went to a NWTF outdoor show here in NY and there were a lot of people selling there custom calls at booths there. It looked like most of the people were getting good business too, so if you can't figure out how to start your own buisness just rent some booth space at one of the shows and sell them there.

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Re: Tips on starting a custom calls business?

Don't put anything out the door you wouldn't take to the woods yourself.

Enter them in contests, such as NWTF

List them on ebay

Get known at this website

Send one to me and I'll talk you up bigtime!

If you aren't going full time, I wouldn't bother with a business license. As far as patents, depends on how unique yours are. If you don't patent them, then if someone comes along with one like it, there's not much you can do. Also, promotes callers. If you need a website creator, pm me and I'll put you in touch with a fellow that does that in trade for some calls. He actually lives in KY.

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Re: Tips on starting a custom calls business?

Thanks Redbeard. Do you think other call makers/manufacturers would contact me about my call resembling theirs? Reason I ask is you can only make a paddle on a box call just a few ways. Most paddles look the same. Heck, I have seen a few boxes that look much like big companies calls.

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Re: Tips on starting a custom calls business?

I have never started custom call making business or any business, well there was that Kool Aide stand I ran a couple years back when I was a kid, but I do have a business degree in accounting. I would suggest you start with your secretary of state office, they handle business licensing and registration and talk to your accountant they may have had other clients that have started small custom businesses and would be able to lead down the right path. Good Luck, how about posting a picture of one of these custom calls.

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