food plot mix


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food plot mix

I know I used a poor choice words to give this post a heading, but it was brought to my attention what I did was bait and not a plot! But isn't a plot just a bigger bait that you plant? I mean my little 40lbs of sunflower seeds and corn is a very little bait pile compared to an acre or more of clover or what ever one desires to plant as bait! But sorry for the terminology misuse! Both are used keep deer healthy and to bring onto the area an keep in the area...right?

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food plot mix

There is a difference between bait and a food plot. Bait is an usually a foreign food or attractant brought in and dumped in a concentrated area. A food plot is usually a larger natural / agricultural food source that offers browse and cover for multiple species. A food plot tends to be as much about game management as killing. Bait serves one purpose.

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