Big or small?


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Re: Big or small?

I have seen vary large deer in late march with bone on their heads. But think about this, all those old deer I mean 7, 8, or even older are prbably in bad physical shape at this point and will drop sooner than latter. I have found antlers from such deer in Dec and feb. Also any other bucks that have been injured or sick will drop early as well. This is why people find big bone eary. I believe that bucks with better health will cary longer.Also deer that are still some what interested in breeding even though there might not be a doe in heat will cary longer as well. Some say that big bucks drop first because they rut harder than little ones, but let me ask you this who comes into rut fisrt. As for as I think it is sparatick and you should start looking as early as you can but be carfull not to spook deer out of you secret spots.Hope I could help you alittle.

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Re: Big or small?

I think when guys find the big sheds early it's because they haven't adjusted to the new season and can't find the little ones yet. grin.gif

Serious,I've found just as many big sheds early as I've found little sheds late.There's no set pattern to which ones drop when in my areas.

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