April 4th i toss my glasses!


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So glad to be doing it, i am getting LASEK surgery. Found the best place in the area, it is a hospital eye institute with a proven track record, and the best of everything. Turns out i will not be getting the kind where they cut the flap off because it only heals to 80% and a blow to the eye can be trouble. Most of the private clinics said that kind would be best, but turns out it is because that is the only kind they could do lol. Just shows reasearch is critical. I will have to wear protective contacts for a week, and minimize eye strain for 3 or 4 days so they recommend i miss school to get the best results. I can live with that.:) $3000 including 8 follow up visits(more if necessary) and any touch up that may be required if i do not have 20/20 or better. Lots of places offer packages for more like $2000 but these are my only eyes so i think i will pay the extra for better quality. Wish me luck, and if anyone needs some glasses i can mail them to you as of april 5th. grin.gif

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Re: April 4th i toss my glasses!

Yuo won't be sorry fisherguy. My wife had it done 6 years ago...she was 20/400, and now 6 years later isstill 20/15. she has none of the night halos some people complain about looking into lights at night. It is so good to not see her fighting with her contacts anymore.

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