wish i was rich

propeller head

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Dude, you are rich. If you have money in your wallet, change on the dresser beside your bed, and a car you are in the top 8 percent of wealthy people in the world. I know it tough but enjoy your day at work, there are alot of people that would love to be going to work period with this economy. Hope that put a posotive spin on things for you.

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wish i was rich

Dude, you are rich. If you have money in your wallet, change on the dresser beside your bed, and a car you are in the top 8 percent of wealthy people in the world. I know it tough but enjoy your day at work, there are alot of people that would love to be going to work period with this economy. Hope that put a posotive spin on things for you.

Greatly put.

Wish I had more money lol but I get by just fine. Who don't wish they were better.

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