Verona shotguns?????

Guest Squirrelbuster

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Verona shotguns?????


Just another Turkish made semi auto. I would put it about equal to the Charles Daly. Do you expect a $350 (MSRP) to be a top quality gun?

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By comparing to the Charles Daly, is this supposed to be bad or good? I have never shot a Daly. And, no I don't expect it to be TOP quality, that is why I am looking at it, because I can't afford TOP quality.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Verona shotguns?????


Just another Turkish made semi auto. I would put it about equal to the Charles Daly. Do you expect a $350 (MSRP) to be a top quality gun?

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I have to add something about my previous reply to this quote. I can't go very high in price like I said. At Gander Mountain they have this gun for $250.

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Re: Verona shotguns?????


AJ, I thought you had a Charles Daly confused.gif

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I do have a CD but, and its a BIG but, its an o/u. Charles Daly does not make guns. They import them from various different manufacturers and slap their name on them. Their auto guns are made in Turkey. Their o/u and sxs guns are made in Italy. You can see who makes which of their guns on their web site. The older Charles Daly o/u was made by Miroku in Japan. Miroku now sells their guns to Browning and they are called the Citori. So there is a difference between the guns. Kind of like Remington, they haev not had a good o/u in 20 + years. They still have other guns that are good, just not the o/u.


If you have to have a shotgun how about a decent pump? You can get a Mossberg or Remington Express 870 for the $200-$250 range. They will last you a lifetime with the proper care.

The auto is a functional gun. How long it will last, I don't know.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Verona shotguns?????



If you have to have a shotgun how about a decent pump? You can get a Mossberg or Remington Express 870 for the $200-$250 range. They will last you a lifetime with the proper care.

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I thought about that too, and I have shot the Moss. 500 and I have researched the Rem. 870, but I saw this gun and figured I would check it out being it was a semi-auto. Most likely I will be getting a Moss. 500 because I can get it in full camo for $220 at Wal-Mart, but I was curious about the Verona.

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Guest 2500HD

Re: Verona shotguns?????

Save up a few more $$$ and buy a Winchester SX2. You can pick up a black synthetic for $600-$700 and you won't have to worry about performance. If you skimp to save a few $$$ you are almost gauranteed to pay more in the long run with a cheaper gun that is always in the shop. Also consider the value of the gun. A cheaper gun has less appeal if you decide to sell or trade it. IMO if you can't afford a better quality semi then I would just get a nice pump gun instead of the cheaper semi.

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Guest goose21

Re: Verona shotguns?????

I think they are the cheapest guns made. i looked at an automatic and when i pressed the button to close the breech it didnt shut all the way everytime and i had to finish pushing it closed. every verona i looked at did that. i agree save up and buy an SX2

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Verona shotguns?????

I went and checked out the Verona today and decided against getting it. When I was trying out the action it was stiff. I could easily get it to lock back, but it was giving me trouble to get back into place. So I guess I am probably going to get a Mossberg 500 when I decide to get the gun.

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Re: Verona shotguns?????

i owned one and it was nice gun but i went backto a pump because of the way i have always shot and i am more comfortable with a pump/ the gun is very accurate and well worth the money spent clean gun with good lines and shoots well

rob k

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