Whitetail Quiz


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Crap, I was on a roll for a while but then went off the deep end. Got 13 correct. Had no clue about the vasernmorman organ or whatever its called, or the columbian deer being out west, or a few others, and like you Al I didn't care. Also missed the ones about the clover types and the least significant food sources and a few others I thought I knew.

Oh well, just another measure of my lack of success in life. lol :bummed:

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Don't worry Jeramie, the older you get the wiser you get. About the time ole Al hits the 25 mark on these tests he'll be about ready to punch his clock. Look at it as a measure of youth and vitality, not wisdom. :clap:

I'll never make 25. By the time you'd think I would, I'll forget the question before I can give the answer. ;)

BTW...I just guessed right on that columbian deer question. :clap:

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Some of those are not exactly right and some are kind of trick questions Al.

Yea...I know what you mean William. I missed the question about rattling. My response to the answer was...HUH!!! Texas is one thing then the Midwest is another...then you better pick your times in MS or you're going to skunk your hunt.

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i'm kind of with william .... i just took it and got 22 out of 25 right but some i've got to say i think some questions are kind of too subjective or poorly worded.

#5 - i thought i was aware of jaw/teeth differences bewteen fawn, 1.5, and 2.5 yr old. at first i was going to pick the right answer fawn and 1.5, due to it being easiest to tell apart. however, they used the word "replacement" in the question. deer don't replace teeth from fawn to 1.5, they're still erupting all of them. from 1.5 to 2.5 the third tooth is replaced (3 cusp to 2 cusp). therefore i picked the "wrong" answer.

#18 - regarding rattling... i've had practically everybody i've talked to say that time/period of the rut effects results. the study was down in texas and for whatever reason rattling just simply works. around here in the northeast if you rattle wrong time in the season bucks will cut and run or slink away. i guess i'm saying that's too subjective to base the answer on a study done in one region.

#24 - what the heck terminology are we using now? according to the official whitetail slam website there is no columbian whitetail... it's a northwest whitetail. i thought it was a trick to get me thinking of a columbian blacktail deer and pick that answer, when the way it was worded you should pick couse whitetail.

lol.... reminds me why i disliked school back in the day, while torturing myself by getting multiple degrees. all said and done i truely enjoy QDMA reports and taking these quizzes.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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