How do you guys use scents when bowhunting?


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I haven't used them in a while but I've tried Tink's #69 lure with the key-style dipping wicks in the past with mixed success (meaning I've only had a small spike buck come up and sniff it). Beyond that, I haven't carried them in a while because the scents always seem to find a way to sneak out of the bottle and coat my backpack pocket with doe pee and make a mess of everything. But this year I think I might try them again and wanted to know what you guys use that works and what you've tried that hasn't worked, and if you have any tricks to keep your backpack and pockets clean of the stuff I'd be happy to hear those too. Thanks for your input!

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I don't use scents much. A buddy of mine that hunts in the midwest uses Smokey's Preorbital gland a lot making licking branches or on existing licking branches. He's had great success getting mature buck pics with his trail cams using it with their noses up in it. He's sent me pics of mature bucks this year using it on a piece of rope tied to a branch. Apparently it's not a scent you have to be careful using to match the timing of the rut.

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i just fill a dripper with a secret concoction over a mock scrape and that's it really. I've used Bordercrossing's evercalm in a deodorant stick like applicator while on stand. Other than that stuff I don't really use anything. I've used Buck Bombs before not anymore, as I'm not sure how it's possible to spray that stuff and not get any on your finger. Always wanted to make a mixture like Muzzy Bowhunter's Setup in a little spray bottle to use on stuff around the stand to get deer to stop where i want them too without making noise to do so.

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How do you guys use scents when bowhunting?

Best luck I've found... Right before the rut kicks off when you start to notice bucks being a little aggressive I use code blue buck urine and set up off a doe bedding area. Does will bring their own scent to the party as long as you can stay on stand and not get picked off, bucks will check the does because they are impatient they pick that buck urine up they get curious and a little mad... My last buck come in ears pinned, rear down, stiff legged looking to run someone out hit the grunt tube 2 - 3 short blasts. He came in on a rope and left on the four wheeler

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I've used Buck Bombs before not anymore, as I'm not sure how it's possible to spray that stuff and not get any on your finger.

I've always wondered that too when you see these guys spraying a full can and I can't believe that a stray gust of wind doesn't come by and coat them in doe pee.

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Prior to the rut I either use no scent or just plain doe pee although it is getting harder and harder to find plain non-estrous doe pee. It works great in an area of high traffic because it causes interest and will get the deer to slow down and smell around.

During the season I use a drag rag covered with either Code Blue or James Valley Scents Full Draw (also hard to find). I just bought a bottle of Whitetail Maniac 155 that I am looking forward to trying but have never heard any reviews for or against it and mostly bought it because I have watched so many videos of roger Raglin drawing in deer after deer with it.

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