Poetry Kick

Guest Squirrelbuster

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Being Buckee has been posting a few poems on here, when I get home tonight I will join in and post a couple of my own. Although, I am going to have to admit, they are no where near as good as Buckee's.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Poetry Kick

I promised so here goes (I had to do these for an English project. The second one is Free Verse and the third one is a protest poem):


My lifeline is you tree.

I float in the air in my stand.

Fifteen feet high it is chained to thee,

As I wait for the deer to fall in my hand.

The gusty wind of the morning did come.

And you start to sway around hither and tither.

I get the feeling that this was dumb,

As you bend like you will break into a sliver.

Please tree do not break.

I do not want to fall the length.

This fear I can not fake.

Then the wind begins to lose its strength.

"A Hunter’s Paradise"

The morning darkness has an eery brightness to the honed in hunter.

The dew from the ground smells soulfully refreshing.

Canada geese honk in the ghostly light of sunrise.

The trees then turn ablaze with the autumn colors in full bloom.

Then a squirrel chatters in those fiery projections.

A cool wind blows across the face,

As the hunter waits with his weapon in hand

For his game to appear out front.

In the end he bags his trophy and finishes the day.

Then he disappears when darkness lies,

And listens to the Song Dogs howl.

Another day in paradise is finished with many more to come.

"Age Limit?"

Hunting is spiritually refreshing.

It can be enjoyed by the likes of many.

Being one with the prey is the ultimate testing.

One can get started with hardly a penny.

The mass crowd of hunting is getting older,

So kids need to become the holder.

Unfortunately there’s an age limit in many a state.

The young then can’t carry a gun in the field.

When they reach teenage it may be too late,

To build the interest that they can yield.

This endangers hunting’s future.

So we need to go and teach a little shooter.

It is more pleasurable afield with a gun.

This is what would make the kids think it’s fun.

This is impossible though with the limit over us.

The only way around it is to abolish.

This would then protect our hunting heritage,

Rather then let it die because of old age.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Poetry Kick

Thanks everyone, generally anytime I do a school project, it has to do about hunting unless I am not allowed to do that on a certain project, so if I come up with anything else that might be interesting then I will post it again.

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