Easter is Cancelled....


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Re: Easter is Cancelled....

Isnt that kind of disrespectful to the animal? how would you like somebody making a joke out of your dead body??????? Just a thought.

Dont get me wrong though, if you successfully harvest and animal and want to take a picture to celebrate the animal and your success, thats fine with me. But when you are making a joke out of a deceased animal, i dont like that.

[ 04-17-2003, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Nick ]

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Guest Boxcall Kid

Re: Easter is Cancelled....

I'm sorry,.....no....no I'm not, I think it's 2 funny! It's a dead rabbit, so what?

I've seen post in the forums of pictures of dead deer hit with cars??????

Would I show that to one of my nieces, that still believe in the easter bunny? No!.. But I highly doubt they would be visiting this site either.

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Re: Easter is Cancelled....

I think it is hilarious and a breath of fresh air from the "borderline pornographic" jokes we've had in the past............this is not a picture of a naked lady laying on the side of the road, nor a joke describing a naked lady along side of the road and how she got their........

If you are squeemish or think that a road killed animal deserves more respect, or somehow can't differentiate between this style of humor compared to human anatomy jokes, than I think you need to re-evaluate your motives...

No doubt any hunter visiting this website, has seen their share of roadkills and gut piles..........and no doubt got a chuckle out of this whimsical satire...........

Death and taxes are the two guaranteed things in life, it helps to make light of them from time to time. If we don't or won't, we've only surrendered to both !! wink.gif

I may be out in left field here........maybe we need to go to a "movie rating" style of moderating here........ confused.gif

[ 04-18-2003, 08:19 AM: Message edited by: iminrut ]

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Re: Easter is Cancelled....

how would you like somebody making a joke out of your dead body???????
Hey Nick...when I'm dead...you can take pictures...make jokes...set a beer on me...hit me with a ball bat...Really really don't matter, I don't think I'll say a whole lot about it!!! grin.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gifgrin.gif
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Re: Easter is Cancelled....

People seem to be looking more at the dead rabbit then taking the time to search out the punchline. We have all seen a dead rabbit. If they would have somehow posed the rabbit that may have been reaching a little but this is just everyday road kill with a few props in attempt to promote humor. I cant find where this is any more distasteful than a deer mount with sunglasses, a jackalope, or the old armadillo drinking out of a beer can. Would I ever scatter eggs around roadkill as a joke, no. Would I laugh at that pic? grin.gif

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