Bow theme/resale.


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I am a big supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness and the outdoors. I want to find a way to kind of mash them together. I thought about giving my bow a BCA theme. I would give it pink/orange or pink/black strings. Pink ribbons on the bow. Pink accessories (rest, string dampeners, etc.) If I were to do this to my bow, wouldI have problems reselling it in a few years? I am very passionate about BCA and the outdoors. I would love to use hunting as a way to raise awareness of this matter.

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If you are worried about resale value, I'd say "pink out" everything you can without changing anything out the bow itself (cams, limbs, riser etc...). Pink String and dampeners, maybe a grip, things that are easily replaceable by any potential future buyers. If you paint the bow itself I think it would hurt the resale value a bit. Also, don't forget about the arrows, look for some wraps and vanes to put on them.

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Pink is everywhere and sadly I think it has become a fashion statement for many guys regarding this issue. Your right SC there are things more important, like writing a check. I don't think a pink bow motivates anyone to do that, if anything it increases sales of more pink bow accessories.

Also this is not directed at anyone in this thread, just a comment in general, I'm not questioning your intentions.

Edited by redkneck
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