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Well Guys and Gals, The twins decided they were not staying inside Mama any longer. Tuesday at 2pm my wife called me and said she was 3cm dilated (she works right down the hall from her doctor). So i run up to the hospital and by 6pm she was 6cm dilated. She had a scheduled C section for Oct 18th, but they weren't waiting. The crazy part is the doctor got them both out within the same minute at 7:19 pm EST. So Chase is only 30 seconds or so older than Blake. Chase weighed in at 5 lbs 12oz and was 19 inches long. Blake was 5 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. Not bad for a little over 5 weeks premature. They are in the nicu and Blake is breathing on his own. Chase is getting a little bit of help right now but they think he'll be off the ventilator tomorrow or sunday. Melissa did great and is up and about. well enough talking. Heres the Boys! oh and Dylan is really excited hes a big Brother!


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