Let this little guy walk last Saturday


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Luke...Scott and I are the only person in a mile radius around where I hunt that don't shoot this deer. I'll likely see him again in the back of someones truck. I look at it this way...if I shot that deer it never had a chance. At least I gave it a chance. If another hunter kills it, and is happy with it....I'm ok with that too. I've gutted and dragged a few deer on this property that I had passed on. Bottom line is that I wouldn't have felt good about myself shooting this deer....but if another hunter shoots this deer, and is happy...I'll be happy for him....kinda...lol

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Let this little guy walk last Saturday

Luke...Scott and I are the only person in a mile radius around where I hunt that don't shoot this deer. I'll likely see him again in the back of someones truck. I look at it this way...if I shot that deer it never had a chance. At least I gave it a chance. If another hunter kills it, and is happy with it....I'm ok with that too. I've gutted and dragged a few deer on this property that I had passed on. Bottom line is that I wouldn't have felt good about myself shooting this deer....but if another hunter shoots this deer, and is happy...I'll be happy for him....kinda...lol

Feel the same way.

Hope he can make it through for you

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I agree with most others.....kudos to you for passing the deer.....In the past couple of years I would have passed him too.....but my son and I have passed bucks, and have not killed bucks for the last 3 years.....a deer like this one probably gets shot by us this year, we're tired of passing them and never seeing them again. 5 years ago I hunted a great stand opening day of Muzzleloader season, I passed 2 small bucks right after daylight. About 8am, a little buck, about the size of this one above, passed me, went about 100 yards and hopped the fence, about 3 minutes later I hear a shot from that direction, about 30 seconds later the little buck comes running by me with one of his front legs dangling, almost shot off......the hunter never came looking for the deer either......I was so ticked off......he passed by too quickly for me to finish him off, I'm sure he became coyote dinner.....I'm tired of passing deer, I get 2 buck tags, I will kill the first buck I get a good shot at, then hold out for a good one.....I am all for BB management, but its hard to do on 160 acres when all the guys around you shoot whatever they see....

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