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I already filled my "buck tag" for the property I hunt, so I will be hunting does only for the rest of the season. Should I be trying to pattern the does or just pretty much hunt wherever? I have some spots already that I know deer are moving through, so should I hunt there or are there any specific places to be looking for does? Is there a specific pattern to does during the rut? I'm not sure if it matters, but I will be bowhunting all season.

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Does are always gonna go to food. Find the available food sources and you will find the does. If the acorns are falling hunt the oak trees, if the corn has been harvested find the areas of the field they come into first and setup in the woods about 20yds in. During the rut the does are going to want to stay in their pattern... Eat, sleep, repeat. The bucks will be the 200lb wrecking ball in that pattern but the does for the most part always stick to their norms

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