Spot & Stalk antelope doe :)


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I did not draw a buck tag this year, however, I went west (Wyoming) to get some antelope meat. My two cousins from Baltimore joined me.

I just had to try "spot & stalk" on a doe. I did a 150 - 200 stalk on a buck who had 7 does. I crawled slowly with my head down pretending to be grazing, as the herd was also grazing. They remained calm as I closed the distance. I got to 80 yards and the heart started to beat faster. I had a goal to get to 40 yards before the shot. I had my eye on some sage brush that I calculated was about the 40 yard range rom the does. At 55 yards the three fawns picked up thier heads and looked at me curiously. For some reason I slowly dropped to my stomach. At this point the "herd doe" looked at me and began to walk towards me. I ranged her at 44 yards as she stood broadside. I slowly rose to my knees and drew the bow. 40 yard pin above the white line of the doe & I released. She ran about 10 yards and stood in one place as she "hunched" up (typical of a antelope that has been hit). I watched and could see blood. 10 minutes later she dropped. The shot was low chest & could have been 3 inches higher.


good luck to all

the dog

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A couple of thoughts...

1. That is just cool. Gotta be so exciting to do that.

2. I had no idea that antelope does were so small, or is that just the angle of the pic?

3. I would be really scared to be out crawling around on my hands and knees in that outfit for fear that a male may either see me as a love interest or wanna kick my butt and charge me LOL

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A couple of thoughts...

1. That is just cool. Gotta be so exciting to do that.

2. I had no idea that antelope does were so small, or is that just the angle of the pic?

3. I would be really scared to be out crawling around on my hands and knees in that outfit for fear that a male may either see me as a love interest or wanna kick my butt and charge me LOL

For me it's the ultimate rush to get within archery distance of an antelope. Yes, antelope doe are quite small & that is a mature doe. The nice thing is that after gutting you just oick them up and throw them into the pickup truck... no problem. Most of the does will probably give me 30 lbs of meat. Last the whole idea of that "outfit" is to challenge the bucks during the rut (yes, they may want to kick your butt, however, that's the fun.. The bucks come to "run you off" and to within bow range. This year I was just after a doe. The buck in the group stood at 60 yards and watched.

Hat & shirt ("BE the Decoy") can be bought at Santana Outdoors.

good luck to all

the dog

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