Good day in stand


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Didn't get to hunt this morning, but took my boy out bow hunting this evening. Got a double stand set up and while we were setting up saw a doe. A 4 pt. started chasing does making the time pass. Finally about 7 a doe came out giving my boy a 20 yd broadside shot. Unfortunately he hit her in the shoulder blade. We waited about 10 min. and decided to get down and look at the arrow. As we were letting the bow down a deer snorted and we looked out and 2 nice 8 pts. were headed our way. They snorted and were gone. We got down and checked the arrow and the arrow was broken off just behind where the broadhead screws in. Checked for blood and didn't find any. Hated he lost the deer, but still a good hunt with plenty of action.

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Good day in stand

I took my gifriends two boys out last year in the youth gun season for their first time ever hunting. Worked on shooting the 410 I bought for them and both were really good. The morning of... The youngest popped three shots off at a big doe missed by about an inch on all three and he was devastated. Did the best I could to tell him it happens to us all and that he will get a chance again... He's a perfectionist so he's still down about it. The oldest boy went with me the same after noon, hit a doe at least 60 yds away and rolled her. I was more excited than he was. After a wait for me to recover from the heart attack I knew i just lived thru we went to claim his first deer... Low and behold blood everywhere where she fell, small blood trail petering out to small drops every 30 yds or so. I searched all day the next day and had a search party the second afternoon and never did find her. Both took it hard but I'm glad it happened the way it did because both now understand that killing a deer isn't a guarantee and they both respect what die hard hunters go thru, the strength of the deer, and the amount of effort they have to put into something to find success.

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That is all you can do. The first deer i shot at with a bow i missed and that was rough. Putting in all the time and effort into shooting then to have that happen is just devastating but we all live and learn. My favorite saying is one my buddy told me and it is "success in when oppurtunity meets preparation" and that is exactly true i believe.

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