Broadhead re-use.


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I shoot Muzzy MX3s. When I shot my first deer this year, the trocar tip was no longer sharp (kind of bent on the point). It was my first deer with a bow, so I mounted the arrow and broadhead with the antlers. My question is: When you shoot a deer, do you have to replace the broadhead or is there a way to fix the tip and do you replace the blades or re-sharpen them and re-use them? This looks like it can get very expensive if the broadheads get damaged every time you hit a deer.

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Broadhead re-use.

I've never messed with trying to fix the tip of a muzzy. If the blades aren't chipped or bent you could re-sharpen them... However from experience I've learned that any change you make to the face of the razor blades there will be differences in your shots. The manufacturer uses computer controlled sharpening equipment to place the bevel and sharpness to perfection. I don't care who you are or how good you think you are there is no way to duplicate that with a cabelas or bass pro shop blade sharpener. Best advice would be find the "end of season" sales and pick up as many packs of replacement blades as you can afford...

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Dunno about the mx-3's, but pretty sure for regular muzzy heads you can get replacement tips and I know you can get replacement blades. That said you would want to spin them to be sure they are ok even if you replace the tips. I shot a raccoon a couple years ago and it somehow bent the tip, tried replacing it with another from a head I was using with practice blades and it never would spin true so I tossed it.

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