what would you guys do?


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Ok. I have been seeing deer in places I don't have stands but I don't know if it is places they travel every morning or if I just happened to catch them there when I was walking back to the truck. I have a climber but I have only used it once. What would you Guys do on this situation. Do I keep hunting me stands I have up and not worry about where I saw them this morning(which was the first time I have seen them there) or do I suspect there everyday. I saw them in between 9:30-10:00. So what would you guys do in this situation?

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what would you guys do?

I'd throw a camera up and see what happens. Start seeing consistency get in there and lay a doe over. Might be a a place they feel safe and might bed down there for a little bit. If this is the case I'd hang a stand and use it in the rut to catch a buck slipping in there on a hot doe. Play the wind tho

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Move in the area you saw them in with the climber. I assume you haven't been seeing many deer where your current stands are so if you move in with your climber and don't see anything, what's the harm? The definition of insanity according to Einstein is something like doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

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I have had deer come into a field directly down wind of me, however i was fully clothed in scentlok. I try not to hunt a stand when the wind is blowing the direction i expect deer to come out but there is always that chance they will come into your set up down wind. That is why we take so many precautions to be scent free. Hunt a stand when the wind is right and do your best to be scent free and i can guarantee you will see more deer.

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what would you guys do?

One thing to keep in mind... You grunt, rattle, bleat, etc... And a buck is coming he's gonna circle to get down wind of you. If possible setup to where he doesn't want to go to wind check you. A field for example isn't where a buck wants to be in the middle of the day. As with one of the above guys i as well wear scent lok and am fanatical about being scent free. Good luck and never hesitate to ask the questions

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what would you guys do?

I could go on for days with questions. On what to do to see more deer. I would live to see more deer and change the way my luck has been. This year I have not seen any deer from any of my stands. I have spooked them by walking to check cams or what not buy none from my stand when hunting.

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what would you guys do?

If I go hunting I will check cams when I get done and if I'm not hunting I wait till mid day to do it. I have never really payed attention to wind when checking cams and to be honest I have never really hunted according to wind. But I have started to this year.

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what would you guys do?

Amen dbhunter. As to you jumping deer checking cams at mid day or after your hunt... Telling me that's an area they love to be. I'd hang a cam in there and see where they are coming from. Start working that cam back the trail a little bit at a time and before you know it you may be finding another area they like to hang out in as much as where you have already been seeing them. Bottom line... Find the does and the bucks will be there soon enough. You might fool old mossy horns ears and eyes but you won't fool his nose. Use the wind to your advantage and never hunt a stand that's got a bad wind. There have been many times I've been on stand with a good wind and then the wind has shifted and I got out of there as quick as I could and hunted a more ideal stand. Give yourself as many options as you can in the woods and take every advantage you can to put an arrow into that wall hanger. Best bow hunter I've ever met once told me if you think your just trying to kill that 4 or 5 year old buck your wrong... Your trying to out smart an animal that's got thousands of years of fine tuning its senses and taking the worst Mother Nature can dish out.

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what would you guys do?

Tonight I hunted a stand that I shot 3 at last year The other day I went in to replace the batteries in my cam at that stand and spooked 2 prob 25-30 yards behind me cam and tonight when I was headed to that stand, I spoked one prob 20 yards from that stand and one prob 35 yards over on the next logging road over but didn't see anything else the rest if the evening and I hunted that stand with wind in my favor. I just can't win for losing lol or that's the feeling Any ways lol

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what would you guys do?

I also hunt sw Missouri. In the mornings I'm in stand. Usually..15-20 minutes before legal shooting time. Giving time for the woods to settle back down after I go walking in. And in the afternoons. I'll eat lunch. Watch the wind. And head back to stand usually around 2-2:30. Given the deer movement. Sometimes thats too late. Like last weekend during the cold snap. I walked in at 2:10 and already had 4 does feeding within 50 yards of my chosen stand. During the rut and just before I will take lunch with me and sit all day. It's really just up to the deer. They get restless and get up and move around, graze. And go bed back down until they feel safe enough to head out for the evening.

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