deer cane and other minerals


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I have recently started using some minerals at a few stand sites. What do you guys think about deer cane? Does it work good or what does everyone prefer that will bring me good results? Where I hunt there is cows on the place do I use liquid deer cane that way it soaks in the ground and they can't eat it. What will bring good results?

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deer cane and other minerals

Last year I put up a corn feeder with a timer, at the same place I brought in a hollow stump and dumped some buck jam into it and poured a bag of sweet beer crush into the stump and on the ground. They were coming to the corn and soon found the other stuff. They tried to eat the stump to get to all of it! I don't hunt over bait sites but I was trying to get my girlfriend, two boys, and my niece their first deer. I had to make it exciting.

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Do NOOOOOOT put it where you have cows. We run a couple hundred head and several years ago when deercane really hit the market I poured out liquid cane to see how the deer reacted. The cows will find it and they will work it like deer. I had to move my stand because the cows stood there all morning.

If you hunt near a fenceline pour it over where the cows are not and it will work. The buck jam works too. I poured a jug out in a funnel once to see what happened and they worked it hard. Again, keep it away from cows!

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Like said above, be sure your minerals are not where your livestock can get to it, we have gotten pics of a group of our own calves that found a loose spot in the fence and they were going to the mineral site even though there was a trace mineral block in the pasture they could get to it without having to go through the wire.

Deer cain and the black magic seem to work pretty well, always used the powder form. Best results here have been with trophy rocks. Some knock off trophy rocks on the market now from evolved harvest and biologic and they seem to have similar labels. They are made in pakistan though, found out after buying one and won't buy one again since trophy rocks aere mined here in the US in utah.

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