Do bear come in and push out local deer


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I spent the whole end of the summer up til today tracking a group of 3does a fawn a button buck and a 4 pointer that all hung out together. Using bait and camera all around a funnel and a few adjacent little clearings. I chose a clearing and I know another guy set up on the funnel. I took on of the bigger does the other guy took another doe and the past week on my cam and his no deer just bear. This morning I sat and had mama black bear and her two cubs under me for an hour(the cub climbed the tree under my stand and hungout on the tree for a little and mama was staring right at me to say I didnt almost crap my pants would be a lie) my questions is, is it common for bear to push out deer like this my guess is when we thinned there little group of deer they got pushed out by bear or seperated this ever happen to anyone else?

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Makes sense the woods I hunt is thousands of acres I should of specified that in this little area Ive really been paying attention are those deer.Im gonna put the cam back out without bait to see if the bear still go by the cub paid no attention to my corn and dug up the ground where I had some rutn apples that was gone a long time ago odd. Going to purchase a bear mace now just in case

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Not likely. They live in close proximity all the time.

Thats what Ive always believed Ive had sets of pics on my cam of a bear or two then an hour later a few whitetail but ever since these bears started showing up on my cam and when I sit no deer theyre prob just in a different place but still close proximity

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