Recent MO Cam Pics


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Posted some of these in our team thread but I'll share those and a few more with ya. OH...BTW...Pat beat us on total pics. We only had to go through about 15,000.

This 5x6 was the best one we had previously caught on the cams. He's still hanging around but on the predawn shift now.


This buck sure has my interest now. He passed by one of my stands last Tuesday. He's also one of the bucks I caught on cam last year shortly after my buddy closed on the property. Last year he was a 140 class 5x5, no kickers & ~17" wide. This be the judge. I'll score him after I put a hole in him!



The next 2 bucks visited one of my other stands on the edge of a cedar thicket. Unfortunately, the memory card filled up while the big 9 point was in front of it on 9/9 so the cam sat there with a full memory card till I checked it on 9/29.



So far we've gotten about 8 sifferent 3 1/2 year old bucks on cams with at least 10 points, this one sort of stands out as the most promissing one for the future. The long brow tines may have a lot to do with it. He's shown up on 4 different cams up to 1 mile appart. Here he's in front of my stand where the wide 5x5 with the kickers was caught posted above.



My buddy passed up this 3 1/2 year old 11 point one afternoon last week.


Should be headed back up there soon. Farmer will be cutting corn & we want to be there for that. Hope to share more pics after that trip.

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Al-I gotta believe that second buck is bigger than anyone will score him at and larger than the first buck. The 9 is also a stud deer! Shoot, 15,000 pics was in a matter of about 6 weeks if I remember right so I think you put the whoppin on me there.

Yea...I think the 2nd buck is the best one too. The time the cams were running ranged from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 weeks depending on when we checked them. With the exception of 1 cam, they were checked & cards swapped out as we hunted the stands near them. Didn't want to go to the cams unless we were going to hunt the stand. One cam accounted for over 6,600 pics...where the 3rd and 4th bucks were caught along with another shooter class main frame 8 with a G2 kicker. Next busiest cam was somewhere around 2,800 pics. The cam that caught the 2nd buck had ~800 pics but most of them were during the last 15 days before I checked it. Seems like they were just beginning to use that cedar thicket where the cam covers the edge of it on intersecting trails in front of my stand. The prior 5 week cam run there amounted to only ~230 pics. Interesting! We'll probably start moving some cams that are on trails to scrapes next trip. Looks like that will be next week. Right now 2 are on food plots, including a new cam we put out last week. The rest are mainly on intersecting trails near stands.

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