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The other day I posted about these bucks coming within 5 feet of the blind. I did not have a chance to even acquire a shot because a buck on the other side of the creek was (for lack of better terms) hauling balls. I mean he was at full sprint. He ran right past the 3 bucks and 4 does which were right were I was. When they seen him a doe wheezed and they all took off. Well I went back out this evening and there were no new signs of activity. I covered some scrapes before I left last time and they are still covered.. I have no clue what had that buck so spooked but it has me worried because there is no new activity. What do you guys think?

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Ahh...nothing to worry about. Its not exactly easy to kill a mature buck this time of year - you can know exactly where they are, when they move, where they move to and you still have the odds stacked against you. If you are serious, then you need to stay out of that spot until you know these big deer will be on their feet in daylight - like the end of the month. if you keep going out there stinking it up, youre only gonna keep the deer alert and aware of your ongoing presence. leave it alone - this is a major part of the year when deer transition thier patterns, especially from daylight to darkness, and especially mature bucks. Scrapes aren't really even a big deal right now, they are social scrapes and don't carry the same degree of relevance or importance as breeding scrapes - most are made, forgotten and never returned to. What happened was just a small and common case of early season education. they'll be back - just dont pressure the crap out of it.


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I technically was not looking for bucks. Granted if a nice one walked by and I had a good shot presented to me I would take it. I really was trying to fill a doe tag and that was the first time I seem any bucks at all. All three were 4 or 6 pointers. But the one which was running looked to be little more mature. I know it is too early here in Ohio for scrapes to mean anything. It just seemed weird how everything happened and now nothing!!!! I did learn a few things so not all was lost!!!!!

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