Big buck pic

Ethan Givan

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Checked a couple cameras at the other farm today, and got a pic of this nice buck. I hope he sticks around, because here in about 2 weeks I will start hunting hard again. All the corn on the farm is out now, and I saw several rubs and scrapes today while pulling cards. Cant wait to get after him.

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  dbHunterNY said:
nice.... that's a drop tine if anyone's ever seen one. no doubt about it. You've got some nice bucks around but i hope you see that one first. lol hate to down a great buck and then see that one stroll on through right after. lol

No doubt that will be the problem. I really dont know what bucks we have to go after this year, because I had such a hard time getting pics early with the corn and all. Now the corn is out and there are 3 cams running on the farm. Probably should take a couple more over there, but Im trying to find and keep tabs on a couple bucks here at the house too. I might actually think twice on other nice bucks, just knowing this buck is around. It would be the highlight of my season just to see this deer on the hoof while on stand, regardless if I got a shot or not. My cousin hunts this farm some too, and I would be just as happy if he got him.

Im just gonna stay off this property for a couple more weeks, except for going in midday maybe next weekend to hang a stand real quick. After that I will start hunting.

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  Ethan Givan said:
I might actually think twice on other nice bucks, just knowing this buck is around.

I would say this is good if you are ok ending the season with not killing a buck. I passed a marginal deer last year during our ml'er season that was actually better than any I have gotten trail cam pics of this year. Main reason I passed him was because of the big 130+ class 10 we had gotten 30-40 pics of and I had hopes this other might make it another year. Ended the season not killing a deer and later heard stories that the big buck was killed by someone, and also talked with a guy who hunts right behind us who told me about the 8 he killed which sounded like the one I passed. Kind of think whatever trips my trigger while I am sitting in the stand, but kinda regretted a little not taking the buck with the ml'er since we are allowed 3 bucks here, it would not have ended my buck hunting.

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  wtnhunt said:
I would say this is good if you are ok ending the season with not killing a buck. I passed a marginal deer last year during our ml'er season that was actually better than any I have gotten trail cam pics of this year. Main reason I passed him was because of the big 130+ class 10 we had gotten 30-40 pics of and I had hopes this other might make it another year. Ended the season not killing a deer and later heard stories that the big buck was killed by someone, and also talked with a guy who hunts right behind us who told me about the 8 he killed which sounded like the one I passed. Kind of think whatever trips my trigger while I am sitting in the stand, but kinda regretted a little not taking the buck with the ml'er since we are allowed 3 bucks here, it would not have ended my buck hunting.

Yeah the good thing is I feel pretty confident in the chances of a deer I pass making it through the season. If this drop tine buck continues to show up on camera over the next couple of weeks, then that will definitely impact my decision making. If he is hard to find on the cams, then I will have a hard time letting another nice deer walk.

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Big buck pic


I'm dealing with a similar situation right now too. It's crazy to think about passing some other bucks in favor if him, but just imagine the reward if you make it happen!!! Worst case scenario is that your other deer get shot by someone else and I've had that happen too. In fact in 2010 I had 3 great deer get shot by my neighbors. All I know is that even if you don't fill a tag this season chances are another big one or two will be there next year!

I will say your farms hold some great deer from your pics the last few years and are on the top end for the forum. You have an opportunity to kill deer most men can only dream of consistently if you manage it right. I hope you get him!!

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  hoosierhunter said:

I'm dealing with a similar situation right now too. It's crazy to think about passing some other bucks in favor if him, but just imagine the reward if you make it happen!!! Worst case scenario is that your other deer get shot by someone else and I've had that happen too. In fact in 2010 I had 3 great deer get shot by my neighbors. All I know is that even if you don't fill a tag this season chances are another big one or two will be there next year!

I will say your farms hold some great deer from your pics the last few years and are on the top end for the forum. You have an opportunity to kill deer most men can only dream of consistently if you manage it right. I hope you get him!!

Thanks Pat. Like I said alot of my decision making will depend on what the trail cameras show me. If this buck doesnt seem very visible, then I dont know that my confidence will be there to let another good deer walk. I know my best chances of seeing this deer is in that window between Oct. 25th and Nov. 15th so I wont be hunting until then. Just dont know that I have the will power to let another big buck walk, and knowing this property's past, there are some other bruisers around. Maybe something even bigger, who knows.

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