scent wicks


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The property I hunt has two cornfields and a creek which splits them there are 2 small wood lines on this property along with vegetation along the creek. Setting up stands in the wood lines is no good because the wind is always out of the west and makes it bad for scent if setting up in the wood line. Along the creek t is different. I have found a tree along the creek to put a stand in. But much of the property is behind me and the wind would be blowingy scent that way. I have been patterning the deer and they don't come from behind me but from the left and right of me, basically following te creek. I suggested to a friend that I was going to space out scent wicks about 75 yards on each side of me and drag a scent drag while doing it leading back toe stand. He said that was too much and it would only confuse them. As I thought about this I tried to figure out what the difference was in what he was saying and the use of buck bombs or other products which saturate the area. I can't deploy the scent wicks right in front of me because if they pick that up they will pick me up along with it. Any one got any ideas of how to deploy scent wicks when the wind is in your face but the deer can potentially come from behind you.

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scent wicks

I want to space some scent wicks in a wide area to get a good scent drifting to the left and right of me. I do plan on dragging a scent drag behind me while putting up wicks an back to the stand but not in a direct line... A more wondering path back to stand. My kill friendly is 15!

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i think 75 yards is fine, but i'd go even closer in to but slightly out in front opposed to direct off to the sides. 40 yards might be fine too and then again in bow range in front of your stand. think about it as if you're giving the deer way points. you throw out a bleat or whatever that deer tries to cut the wind of what it heard. it smells to first wick opposed to you and then finds the next, and then next, until he hopefully ends up in front of you at full draw.

something that fumbles this whole setup is a creek bottom that sits a little down in. you'll get swirling pockets of wind and your scent will be circulating every where. make sure you've got a steady or predictable wind. it may swirl during your sit, but as long as it doesn't keep doing so stay on stand for as long as you can.

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