Bad phone call


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Man I hate getting bad calls....sleeping today because I worked boss called and tells me all of our BCF yarn will be moving to the US....thats half my area...should keep my job but I will most likely be moved back to the floor and out of the Controlroom...that sucks after 19 years.

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Its one of those days brother...

My wife got word that her help at the post office was being moved to another PO. She now has to work 6-days a week. One day in particular she has to be there from 5:00 - 7:00 because her salary boss refuses to work over 40 hours a week (even though she makes over 100K a year).

Then, the multibillion dollar company I work for has announced they are greatly changing our work schedules (to accommodate them) and I must work from home more with no more pay (Salary). They are also drawing up paperwork for everyone in the company on set work hours and then all managers and employees must sign and agree like a contract. Keep in mind this is a white collar oil based company. What they basically told us is, "You have to work from home more on your time; however, you cannot leave early for any occasion, you cannot come in late for personal reasons, and you will sign a contract agreeing with this.... or else.

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  stevebeilgard said:
companies of all sizes know the work situation, and will make you work like dogs knowing they can replace you easily. that will change in a couple of yers, maybe 2-4. then these same companies will ge giving raises and benefits to keep you.

I bet you're right about that, when I started in my field about 10 years ago sign on bonuses were the status quo, healthcare was95% paid by employer and starting wages had become quite negotiable. The opposite is the case these days. Many of my more experienced coworkers say they've seen it wax and wane over the years.

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  Mathews XT Man said:
If Obamma get another 4 years you will be lucky to HAVE a job Jeremy in the U.S. Muff...I see our "Global" economy is far reaching..many companies are buying out smaller ones and the workers are shuffled out or demoted to part time...sad deal

True that.... The only good news is Tulsa is a major oil City so it will take a lot to knock us down.

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I've heard rumor of trying change us from 8 hour shifts to 12 hour shifts...if it does happen...I'll be ok with it only if I'm on day fhift...We have had to do all these rediculous charting audits and what not though, which is hard to do when you have patient's coming and going for 8 hours....Times are changing everywhere and with everything.

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