Here we go again... next live hunt begins tommorrow

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Headed back to my buddy Gage Lowrys Outfitt in Moosehorn ,Manitoba. Land tomm nite in Winnipeg then 2-1/2 hr drive north Should pull into camp around 1030pm . Check Muzzleloader ( lesson learned after last yr in Wy LOL ) and get gear ready on sunday . And start hunting monday morning Cant wait temps have cooled quite abit Getting some good daytime pics on trail cam ( just found out 10 minutes ago ) calling for snow on thursday there ...Cant wait!!!! I have my trusty posters on call So Ill be sending texts as things start Thanks again for tuning in and watching

WildWoods Outfitter - Canada Whitetail Deer Hunting, Bear Hunting, Canadian Outfitter Gage's phone 204-768-3631

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Good luck Tim,

My wife and I will be up next week, I'm just caring the camera and she'll be behind the gun. She took a big bear with Gage a couple years ago and this will be our first trip deer hunting with him. Gage runs a great outfit and hopefully we'll see one of those monsters he has on trail camera in person.


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From Tim.

Well, good and bad news. This morning right at first light we had a shoorer buck being chased by 5 wolves, what a sight! As they raced by at 90 yards I took a poke at one, legal in Manitoba. Unfortunantly I just knocked the hair off. When we got down and followed the trail to make sure it was just hair we had all 5 start howling all around us. All on video, then walking back we saw 2 more off our backside. cool but eriee! in camp now, been pouring for 2 hours.

Edited by 92xj
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From Tim:

Well good and bad news this morn at first lite we had a shooter buck being chased by 5 wolves what a sight!

As they raced by at 90 yds i took a poke at one

legal here in Manitoba

I just knocked hair off but when we get down and followed trail to make sure it was just hair

we had all 5 start hollowing around us

All on video

then walking back we saw 2 more off our back side

cool but eriee

in camp now been pouring for 2 hours now.

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From Tim

Well good and bad news. this morn at first lite we had a shooter buck being chased by 5 wolves. what a sight! As they raced by at 90 yards i took a poke at one. legal here in Manitoba. Unfortunatley i just knicked a hair off but when we get down and followed trail to make sure it was just hair. we had all 5 start howling around us. all on video. then walking back we saw 2 more off our back side. cool but eriee. in camp now. been pouring 4 2 hours now. TIM
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From Tim

Well good news bad news. last nite after getting rained out checked my my TC. 7 inches low @75 yds. the day before we hit a rock that was submerged in bog. banged gun. thought it was ok. Wrong! Anyway had back up mzl. went out this morn missed 140 inch ten pt. Ugh- dont have any excuse except i think i peeked at shot. checked gun at lodge. 2 inch group at 75 yds. yep all me! pretty tough season this fall and that made it harder. So i wasn't going to hunt tonight but after my pity party lol i put on my big boy pants and am sitting where i saw wolves. talk soon - TIM

Edited by dbHunterNY
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