Question for the Oklahoma hunters


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Has anyone else had a problem with their deer becoming more nocturnal this season?

I've got 4 trail cams set up on my lease (all over food sources) and this year I would estimate that 75% of my pictures are after sunset and before sunrise. I've hunted this place for 4 years and never had this problem until this year. The place is extremely secluded, can't see any of the property from the road, which is a rarely used gravel road anyways, so I know it's not from drive by poachers. Was just curious if anyone else had noticed the same kind of behavior or had any theories on why this may be occuring.

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Literally zero human activity. The nearest homes are over a mile away. Food sources are failry constant between corn feeders, food plots, and natural acorns. The only thing that has changed since I first started on this place is that its been fairly dry the past two years. But we still hold water in the creek bottoms after rain and the ponds have never dried up.

And I know it'll get better as the weather cools and the bucks start chasing, just discouraging being in a stand all weekend and seeing no activity, then checking cameras Monday morning only to see they're coming in at midnight.

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I will say I am from Oklahoma and haven't been seeing deer on my place but there is sign I don't have aany cams up right now but I'm guessing they are moving at night my theory for my place is the siesmic crews that have been working my area for about 2 months now they have been all over my place on foot and in vehicles and its really starting to irk me!! I don't know if this is the same for you or not ...

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Good question, alot of variables. I really don't know what it would be. The area I hunt, the deer are moving pretty good. Only thing I know is there might be some ag fields their hitting, then hitting your feeder and cam on the way back to their beds? I had some bean fields, and not alot of bucks where hitting my feeder except after or before light. Now that they've cut them, I'm seeing more machure bucks migrating to thicker and more territorial areas. Unless the neighbor's have hunters that's leasing the boundary and their keeping the deer stirred up?

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Yeah, I'm hunting out near the fairview area and the one kind of traffic we do have out there is oil crews everywhere. But there aren't any pump jacks on our land.

And to abrown -And I'm fortunate enough to only have other hunters on my east side. The owners of the remaining adjacent land don't hunt or allow hunters on their property. As far as ag fields, the nearest are over half a mile away. We used to have a large wheat field next to us, but they pulled that out three years ago and don't farm any longer. Our property is still holding as many deer as back then, but this past year they've become very nocturnal.

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Good choice of school. If they pulled the wheat frield out, did they turn it into CRP? I hunt a 160 CRP field in KS, bucks LOVE IT. The cover and bedding area. There were soy bean fields, they where half a mile and farther, shouldn't make a difference, they'll still hit em. Talk to the land owner, his friend done a deer count with the KS wildlife department, pretty well all the big bucks where on bean fields. Now that there cut, and colder weather has moved in, they should really start to move. If I was you, I'd be hunting cover. I'm not saying the oil field workers poach, but the traffic alone will push them into cover.

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Don't get so worked up over night time pictures of your deer. A trail cam pic on gives you a small part of the big picture. They may be hitting your camera at dark, but they're on their feet somewhere headed to your camera during daylight hours.....ya just gotta figure out where. Remember, deer feed primarily at night. They're nocturnal by nature. I've had a mix of deer on cams this year....but after driving the place 3 times we saw deer each time.

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