EHD in NE Nebraska


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That is a real bad hit, bad drought years typically see worse losses. Don't know about the problem in Nebraska, but we had pretty significant dieoffs here in Tennessee a few years back, was said to be in the 20-50% range depending on where you were. Was reportedly around 30% in the county we hunt, but our game warden said he thought it was far worse and possibly as bad as 50% here.

You may want to call your state wildlife biologists and see if they could give you any insight specific to your area.

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EHD in NE Nebraska

Here in Missouri we have lost a lot of deer due to the drought. All over. We have not personally found any on our property but several others have. Also in north central Missouri the CWD, I believe, has been contained in a 3-4 county zone. Originating from a deer farm. From what I hear EHD should NOT spread anymore with a hard freeze or two. Hopefully it is not as bad as predicted.

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  • 10 months later...
We had the same thing hit our deer herd here in Montana 3 years ago. Wiped um out. Took are deer herd from bout 300+ to 35 (Hope for an early frost/freeze). Pretty nasty, but they have rebounded quickly. Just takes a few years. You guys had any signs of EHD this year?

Yep, Montana was REALLY bad 3 years ago!! Antelope too, but I think that was the hard winter snow in March. Natures way, I guess.

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