Whitetail SLAM?


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Each hunter measures success their own way. A hunter that only gets the time to hunt a couple days out of the season might measure success in just harvesting one, on the other hand, I truly believe the more you hunt and time you put into it, along with putting more deer down, you don't measure success with kills, but with the quality of the 1 kill you do get. You also understand the only way your going to get that trophy is by passing up young deer. If that means that someone kills that young buck, maybe that'll mean as much to them as if I was to kill a Booner! I saw a young girl that killed a HECK of an 8 pointer last year on public land, one that NO ONE would pass up! Yet there was a hunter that made the comment to her, "Ya, that's a nice deer, I might have shot it"! It kind of makes you sick when people do or say stuff like that!

Edited by abrown
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Whitetail SLAM?

You a very correct several variables can be a factor. I'm using the average hunter is these statements which doesn't count youth, new, disabled, etc.

It's also the reason I only comment positively on a kill. Ill never say I wouldn't have killed their deer. My opinion doesn't matter at that point bc the deer is dead. Just smile and be excited with them.

Only exception to that is if its on a managed property of ours and that's a whole different ball of wax.

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LOL, I'd like to know the history behind it! I agree with ya, but just don't care! When you go to school and major in this stuff, then you get out and get a job, and get to talk to all kinds of hunters, you find out quickly there's hunters' w/$$$ and there are hunters that just enjoy being out hunting. BIG difference, usually the hunters' with cash kind of talk down to ya, while the hunters that just enjoy being out will BS with ya.

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Why can't we all just get along:poke: As hunters, we would be much better off if we put our egos to rest. Record books? Leave the hunter's name out of it, just describe the animal and where it had lived. Maybe then this crazy antler fascination and having killed every species/subspecies would go away. It is not like we, as hunters, did anything extraordinary to accomplish the feat of killing the animal. "Preparedness meets opportunity" is not worthy of a record book.

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