minds can change!


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The other weekend my neighbor asked my dad if I would show him how to age deer by looking at their body! I've been working on this guy for about 8 years and slowly dropping hints about letting little deer walk. The last 4 years I've been showing him my kills and a few trail camera pictures to get him thinking. The last two years he's reaped my efforts and killed his two biggest a bucks(one I passed 3 weeks before he shot him). With his success his mind is opening to allowing younger deer to live. He mentioned its a lot easier to let the little ones go when your seeing and killing bigger ones!!

This is the first true conversion of a landowner that I've gotten. Others have done it but they already were thinking about it. His mind used to be closed.

Some people get angry when a buck gets killed by the neighbor and one of the deer, Boomer, I'd been after for 3 years. When you see a persons face completely light up when they talk about those deer and how excited they get, it's really a lot of fun.

It's just like goalpost this year. He will kill him if he walks by and that's alright. Maybe one day though goalpost and split G2 will walk like they have for me.

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Cool...that should make ya feel good. It's generally a progression in a hunter's thoughts when they start passing younger deer & trying to kill older deer. By that I mean most progress to killing 2.5 then 3.5 then mature 4.5 year old bucks. A few even go to the point of hunting just what they consider to be fully mature bucks being 5.5 years or older. Very few get there though.

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