natural shooting


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actually... no i don't have any bows without sights. however, i'm working on that. shopping around for a recurve. i'll be shooting it instinctively without any sights and shooting the arrow off the shelf of the bow. i shot a whole technohunt league with some traditional archery veterans. it was a blast and i was hooked. won't give up my compounds with advanced accessories, but am still excited to hunt with a recurve.

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natural shooting

I am excited to be more bow fluent. I'm a bird hunter from KS just moved to IN after a deployment to the Middle East with the US Army. So trying to get into bigger game and using a bow. I'm gonna try to shoot instinctively just to get a foundation of bow hunting then expand after that. I have a slightly older PSE bow and am still catching up on the terminology lol

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yea i know of a bunch of people that shot "bare bow" with a compound. they've all gone to sights now. it's easier to shoot a recurve instinctively i think because a compound isn't really designed to be shot like that. some have setup compounds so they have a certain degree of cant when they shoot. my experience with this is that it's too inconsistent and hard to repeat from shot to shot.

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OK.... I'll stick my neck out here. With a COMPOUND BOW..... as good as sights are now a days....I would think it UNETHICAL to shoot WITHOUT sights. Give me a logical reason how a properly sighted compound can not be more accurate, then a compound without sights... just doesn't make sense to me. Just my thoughts.

good luck to all

the dog

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OK.... I'll stick my neck out here. With a COMPOUND BOW..... as good as sights are now a days....I would think it UNETHICAL to shoot WITHOUT sights. Give me a logical reason how a properly sighted compound can not be more accurate, then a compound without sights... just doesn't make sense to me. Just my thoughts.

good luck to all

the dog

stick out as far as you want... only thing that might happen is you'll strain it. lol

seriously though it's more of a choice.... i wouldn't call it unethical, unless you don't practice shooting without sights on your bow and head right out into the field. howard hill, fred bear, etc. all shot traditional style bows without sights. only difference now is you have a choice to use the same equipment they did or stuff more technologically advanced. i don't think it'll make you a better shot so much as make you a better hunter. you cut your effective range by at least half when shooting a bow without sights versus with sights. there's an advantage to having sights on a bow versus not having them. so you'll have to use more woodsmanship skills to get closer without sights.

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