Trail Markers


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What do you guys use for marking a trail to your stand. You can get turned around in the dark pretty easy in the woods I hunt in the upper peninsula. I usually use just some orange or bright pink trail tape, but sometimes they can still be a bit tough to see. I was going to just buy some reflective markers, but then I thought maybe I'd just make some. I figure for the price of a pack of 10 (which wouldn't be enough) I could make maybe twice or three times as many. Even if I do end up spending a little bit more, I'd still have a lot more. I was thinking of using some clothes pins, probably the colored plastic ones so I could see them in the daytime as well and just cut strips of reflective tapes for each side. Anyone done this before? or have another way that you have tried?

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I do not leave any markers if I possibly can. I have to hunt public lands. I might take my little hatchet and knock a little bark off, but that is it. Once it snows it really doesn't matter.

The lazy " hunters " can follow the tracks in. I am so wishing I could hunt private land like I use to back in my early days :no:


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If this was public land, I wouldn't even think of doing it. And if this was land that I had access to year round, I probably wouldn't need them either. However, this is private land that belongs to my uncles in-laws, which is a good 6-7 hour drive from here and I only get up there once a year, twice if I am lucky. In the daytime, I can walk out no problem, at night it is a different story. It's so thick back there that in the dark you can't see your hand 6 inches from your face (I've had the joy of experiencing this when the light I was using died on me halfway to my blind). I've even been turned around in the dark with the trail tape I've been using. These will go up the day we get up there and come down the day we leave.

I got a pack of clothespins today, actually got them for free. My mom and aunts were cleaning out the house of one of my aunts who passed away a while back and they found them and gave them to me. So I just need to get the reflective tape now.

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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