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About 15 minutes before quitting time tonight a big buck came over a ridge behind me and heading in my direction. When I turned to look, he must have caught movement and immediately stopped about 65-70 yards away. I didn't so much as blink for the next 1-1/2 to 2 minutes as he stared at me. Finally he started walking again but instead of coming towards my stand he kinda skirted it by staying well out of range. I grunted a couple of times more out of desperation and frustration than anything but of course he was having none of it. He never did the head bob and never stomped, blew, or raised his tail. He just slowly and quietly disappeared, so I'm thinking that I didn't jack it up too bad.

I dont think this big boy is coming within bow range of that stand for awhile so now I'm thinking of setting up with my climber downwind of the route he was taking tonight.

What do you guys think?

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