Dry firing for practice

iron buck

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I have read many times about dryfiring a big game rifle for practice before the season. Jack Oconnor wrote about doing this in his home office on a regular basis. I know it is alright to dry fire center fire bolt action rifles. Can I also do this with a Remington 7600 slide action? Or would it cause a problem?

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Got the answer from Remingtons site:


[h=1]Can I dry fire my centerfire rifle?[/h] Updated 03/19/2010 04:05 PM

The design of our Model 700, Model Seven, Model 7400, and Model 7600 will not be damaged by dry firing.

We do not recommend dry firing any of our rimfire models.

Our tempering process used to manufacture the springs inside the trigger and bolt assemblies will not be harmed if stored under tension.

If you do dry fire your rifle make certain that the firearm is unloaded. Visually inspect the chamber and be certain that there is not a round in the chamber. As always, treat every gun as if it were loaded and keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Do not point the muzzle at any object you would not want to shoot.

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