After 10yrs


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I FINALLY took a deer on my place!!!! Opening day found me in my "honey hole" (saw deer every sit last year, killing three here) on the local WMA. After sitting for 4hrs, and seeing nothing, decided to hunt the stand behind my house that evening, even though I had zero deer on the camera in the evening, they were all morning pics. Got in the stand about 530, and about 620 I hear "something". Look up, and low and behold there is a big fat doe stepping into the trail right in front of me. Turns out they ahve a highway coming from the neighboring land, and aren't falling the trail I cut for them, lol. I stand as she gets behind a tree, she takes about 4 steps, stops at the trail intersection where I walk to my stand. I settled my 20yd pin behind the shoulder, release, see the arrow disappear behind her shoulder. She of course runs off, and the nerves go haywire. I get down, found my arrow, very little blood:confused:. I knew where she went, so I start heading that way. As I thought that there were two, I saw a deer run off thinking it was the "other". well, turns out it was her. I find blood, started following it, and it's getting dark. I get back into the thickest crap I think I have on the place, and can hear her rummaging around. See her walking to the fenceline, so I beeline to get between her and it. I can hear her up in a mass of deadlimbs and waitaminute vines, and finally nothing. Ease up there and there she lies. Luckily I was able to get back in there with the 4-wheeler to drag her out, there was no way I could do it by hand. Don't know what she dressed, and in my haste forgot to get a pic. Pretty happy though that I finally was able to get one on my land. Sad to say though that the next Sat I shot a good buck, hitting him high. I searched the next day for several hours, following blood to a persimmon tree, all the way back to a rub, before losing blood. I don't think it was a fatal hit. Do have pics of another 8pt back there, don't know if it's him or not though. Last Friday had a buck chasing a doe back there, but didn't get a good luck at him, as I was looking right since it sounded like he may be coming out there. I'll be back up in that stand this Friday hopefully, if not definately this weekend. Got two does in the freezer, so I'm after one of the several bucks I have been able to get pics of. I'll be sure to get pics of him!!

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