Ohio rut


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Ohio rut

I live in Jefferson county and Sunday I arrowed a decent buck (never recovered due to pouring rain washing out blood trail...) and he was hot on a doe. She showed typical estrous behavior. I think it's just now starting to kick off after seeing what I've seen and talking to my friends on Facebook. With this weather being the way it is at the moment it makes for a painful all day sit and today the wind started swirling so I got out of there early. I have had good luck using code blue buck urine on a drag making a loop out in front of my stand at 20 yds and hanging doe estrous scent wicks. I throw a few doe bleats out on their own and grunts sometimes putting them both together. I'm hunting right on the edge of a doe bedding area in a heavy travelled piece of the woods. So far I've had a lot of deer activity and that helps makin the all day sit possible

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